Tuesday 19 August 2008

Prosperous Online Prospects

Understanding your market is arguably the most important aspect behind the success of your site, and understanding the impact this could have on your search engine strategies is equally as important.

But you're probably thinking that this level of information is likely to cost a small fortune and that you will only be able to obtain this by involving a specialised agency.

Well, think again...

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Google are once again ahead of the game and are currently testing AdPlanner, a tool which will turn the market on its head when its finally released.

Even though this tool is primarily aimed at the Advertising world, the ability to identify the nature of your audience and then to provide you with a list of other sites catering for the same group of people, opens up a world of partnership opportunities. Just think of all those highly relevant inbound links and you'll start to see value this could add to your SEO campaigns.

So, will it cost you an arm and a leg to do your market research in the future? Not if Google can help it!

This tool is currently only available to a selected few (OK, so I'm boasting a bit!), but there's plenty of information about the ins and outs of AdPlanner directly from the Google guys... Enjoy!

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